Friday, March 26, 2010

And finally Truth Triumphs

Long ago there lived a powerful king ruling a stable and prosperous kingdom.The people were contended and happy.The king started waging wars and extended his empire to nearby lands.He neglected the needs of his subjects and this slowly lead to a deterioration of the living standards.There was a state of unrest in the kingdom and the people were very dissatisfied.Despite knowing this, the king collected heavy taxes in order to develop the newly acquired regions.He called experts from various places around the world to execute the development.Day in and day out the experts,labourers and the people worked and finished it.One morning it started to rain and the houses,dams,roads etc., were washed away.The courtiers set a committee to enquire upon the reason behind the failure. They found out that the materials used were of inferior quality but the amount spent is higher than the actual price.Thus they understood that the king is unlawful and inefficient.The cat was out of the bag and the people knew the truth.They didn't want a felonious and irresponsible person as their king;they became united,fought against the king and finally usurped him.
In the present scenario such stories generally do not exist.But what if the people fight back to remove the corrupt ones from topnotch positions? That would set a great example for the others to follow.The metaphorically written story is just one instance for which I bore witness and truly got amazed.That was an instant when I understood the meaning of "Satyameva Jayate" - the national motto scripted on Asoka Chakra!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Crime it is that we need to fight.
To silence those shrieks in the middle of the night.
Ten are stronger than one man's might.
Join hands and strides to trample that path of fright.

Men wronged enough in all the histories they've known.
It is time we paid for all the suffering begone.
Battle the hatred and demolish the spite.
Work in the dark tonight to wake up in a morning bright.

We are stones by hearing - not by heart!
We speak only silence, speak through the art.
Defeaned we are, muted by the God above.
Yet we spread the truth in our language of love!

PS: this was a poem written for a dance drama as an invoice of a group of deaf and dumb people - depicting evil in the society. I stumbled on this and liked it very much.

To be or not to be

Looking through the window he saw the black skies
Filled with despair and thoughtless fright
Deep inside him was warped and twisted
Didn’t realise that nobody is special and nobody’s gifted
And with too many when’s and too many why’s
He resolved it by making it his last night
We have a choice – to live or die
Every minute is a choice
Every breath is a choice
To be or not to be!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

the twinkling star!

A little girl I was when you held me by your hand
Sparing me from tumbling down and washing my wounds as I fell
Taught me to respect everyone and criticize none and
That god is there to set everything right,
Can He bring you back, for you were my very light?

Remember those summer afternoons when all of us played in the mangroves
How mischievous we were, thieving all the mangoes and hiding in the attic
You settled all those charges and yet you remained so serene and smiling.

Remember those evenings when you picked me from pre school
And took me to the building site – u made me the in charge and asked me to supervise........
Here I am on the verge of fulfilling your dream but now you are far away.

Are you still watching me as you did
When I wickedly ate all the chocolates my brother bought?
When I played all those impish pranks to upset grandma?
When I lied to escape thrashing from dad?

I miss you grandpa! – tatagaru – my guide!!
Are you still there above as that twinkling star?

PS:To my grandpa who passed away last summer.He was a pillar of strength.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rest In Piece ??

In memory of all those who died waiting for this class to end!!

This was the only thought I had in my mind while listening (forcibly) to a totally hopeless and highly irrelevant lecture. The fear of getting an attendance shortage drove me to sit in that class. Most of my classmates were uninterested in even attempting to listen (absolute fundoos). The backbenchers were as usual cribbing about the mess food. Some were writing their lab records. Some others were looking out of the window admiring nature. Some were just gossiping and the others were drooling. A few of us were making paper boats and rockets. The hapless first benchers were taking down notes and trying hard to decipher the meaning of at least one sentence uttered by the professor. As a whole all of us were waiting for the bell to ring. The only exception was the prof. One has to admit the ingenuity of the prof., for teaching an absolutely illogical subject in the most cryptic manner possible. I am not sure how much of whatever he taught has actually sunk in. This is the trend followed in almost all the classes of a dreadful and never ending semester. To top it all, an awesome fool proof method was introduced – the daily viva voce in labs. So the one to take the viva enters majestically and starts firing questions.
An average question will be this “What are the units of strain??”

Sensible Student: “sir, it is a ratio and hence it is dimensionless”

Sir: “I know that it is a ratio but ratios are not dimensionless!!” -glares red eyed at the class for a while and then points out at a frustoo and asks him to answer the question.

Brainy student: “Sir the units are millimetre/meter”

Sir: “Wonderful! How amazing! Behold the 21st century Einstein!” there ends his questionnaire leaving all of us absolutely amazed (???).
--- state of affairs!!

Disclaimer : The article is just a figment of imagination and any resemblance is purely coincidental.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Woman or woo-man?

Democracy stands for the equitable representation of all the people including all the minorities.In spite of constituting half of the vast population of the country, women still have a long way to go for achieving an equal status to become the lawmakers. Women don’t even represent a tenth of the members in the parliament. The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement in a manner amusingly absurd.If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost, else democracy as a government by the people and for the people would be a vestige of the vox populi.Such a thing as this questions the roots of Indian democracy.
The fight is not for the equality of conditions but for the equality of opportunity.
Unless there is an authoritative expression of the feminine in the legislature the implementation of laws as to empower them socially and economically is unrealizable.